The Motoscape

The International Motorcycle
Show Experience (2019)


The International Motorcycle Shows (IMS) are some of the largest gatherings of bikers in the United States, and as the title sponsor, we roll out on tour with a full throttle setup that really gets the engines revving.

At this hub of cruisers, touring bikes, dirt bikes, and more, we teamed up with our experiential partner to connect with riders at their core. For us that meant building around insights, not stereotypes, and focusing on our biker audience’s desire to never stop riding. 

Welcome to the Motoscape. A place where riders gather, freedom ignites, and the journey is protected by Progressive.


The Legend of Motaur

The vibe of the Motoscape was inspired in part by Motaur, the legendary half man, half bike who roams the desert and never stops riding. Visitors had the opportunity to become their own version of Motaur, immortalized in tintype photography.